Tower hamlets population increase


Tower hamlets population increase
Tower hamlets population increase
Tower hamlets population increase
Tower hamlets population increase
Tower hamlets population increase

Tower hamlets population increase

Victoria Park's pagoda in the spring

  • Tower Hamlets has the fourth largest economic output in the UK 
  • And is one of the most popular places in London to live and visit 
  • Yet suffers from high levels of deprivation and overcrowding  

Tower Hamlets has seen the biggest population increase in England and Wales – with the number of residents increasing by more than 22 per cent. 

The results were revealed by the Office of National Statistics in the 2021 Census results released on Tuesday and have heightened calls for better funding for the borough’s services to cope with the increased demand. 

Tower Hamlets is the densest populated borough in England with 15,695 residents per km2 – compared to the national average of 424 per km2. 

Tower Hamlets Council is already working hard to cope with the rise in population, and in the five years to 2021, built more affordable houses than any other London borough. However more investment is needed with 21,480 households on our waiting list. 

The council constantly reviews other service impacts of a changing population including demand for primary and secondary school places across the borough.  

Lutfur Rahman, Mayor of Tower Hamlets, said:  

“Tower Hamlets is a fantastic place to live and work so it is no surprise to see that so many people want to live here.  

“The borough has something to offer everyone. From award-winning green spaces like Victoria Park to famous markets like Columbia Road, from our Ofsted-rated outstanding schools to fantastic local shops and restaurants, and business districts like Canary Wharf.  

“However, like other inner-city boroughs, we suffer from deprivation and population increases cause even more pressure on services.  

“We have 6 per cent more children living in absolute poverty compared to the England average. Compared to the London average, we have 1.9 per cent more adults unemployed. The life expectancy of a person in Tower Hamlets is more than four years less than in Kensington and Chelsea. 

“The government’s levelling up agenda must provide more funding to areas like Tower Hamlets so we can cope with these pressures and give people more opportunities to improve their lives.” 

Posted on Thursday 30th June 2022

Area selected: Tower Hamlets

Population Population Density Population Growth

Land area

20 square kilometres

international migration


Tower Hamlets Population

The population of Tower Hamlets is 331,969 according to mid-2020 population figures published by the ONS. Based on recent growth rates we estimate the current 2022 population of Tower Hamlets to be 346,903. In the year between mid-2019 and mid-2020, the population in Tower Hamlets grew by an estimated 7,224 people, and in the ten years prior to mid-2020, the population grew by 75,957. Compare population by area.

Tower Hamlets's population growth rate between mid-2019 and mid-2020 was 2.2%, which is 0.7% lower than the average population growth rate in Tower Hamlets for the ten years prior to mid-2020 (2.9%).

Tower Hamlets covers an area of 20 square kilometres (8 square miles) and has a population density of 16,778 people per square kilometre (km2), based on the latest population estimates taken in mid-2020. That figure has increased by 3,839 people per km2 over the past decade.

Compared to England's figures

  • Tower Hamlets's population of 331,969 is equivalent to 0.6% of England's 56,550,138 total population. Tower Hamlets is the 7th london borough in England (of 33 total) when ordered by total population.
  • Tower Hamlets's population growth rate of 2.22% is 1.76% higher than England's current population growth rate of 0.47%. Tower Hamlets is the 5th london borough in England (of 33 total) when ordered by population growth rate.
  • Tower Hamlets's population density of 16,778 people per km2 is 16,344 people per km2 higher than England's 434 people per km2. Tower Hamlets is the 1st London Borough in England (of 33 total) when ordered by population density.

What causes population change in Tower Hamlets

Between mid-2019 and mid-2020, net internal migration out of Tower Hamlets was 2,794, and net international migration into Tower Hamlets was 6,880.

Tower Hamlets's fertility rate (the total number of children that would be born to the average woman in Tower Hamlets if she were to live to the end of her child-bearing years) of 1.26, and birth rate (the number of live births per thousand of population per year) of 13.2, led to population increases of 4,302 during the year, and Tower Hamlets's death rate or mortality rate (the number of deaths per thousand of population per year) of 3.7 resulted in a 1,216 population decrease. In total, a net 3,086 person natural increase.

Compared to figures for England

  • Tower Hamlets's fertility rate of 1.26 is 0.33 lower than England's fertility rate of 1.59
  • Tower Hamlets's birth rate of 13.2 births per thousand people is 2.5 higher than England's birth rate, and Tower Hamlets's death rate or mortality rate of 3.7 people per thousand is 6.3 lower than England's death rate
  • Tower Hamlets's annual net international migration rate of 2.07% is above the English average of 0.4%

Historic Tower Hamlets Population Change Components

During the past decade, internal migration has fallen from a net outflow of 21 in 2011 to a net 2,794 outflow. International migration has risen from a net inflow of 5,038 in 2011 to an inflow of 6,880 in 2020.

The natural increase in population, due to births and deaths, has fallen from an annual net increase of 3,452 people in 2011 to 3,086 in 2020.

International migration was the largest driver of population change over the past decade, representing circa 80% of the total change in population.

Tower Hamlets historic population from 2011 to 2020

Tower Hamlets's population, population density, and population growth rate, over the past decade.

Figures reported by the ONS in 2021.

Tower Hamlets forecast population from 2023 to 2043

Tower Hamlets's forecast, population density, and population growth rate, over the next twenty years. Figures reported by the ONS in 2018.

The population of Tower Hamlets is forecast to be 357,299 in 2025 and 375,609 in 2030.

Discover more

Areas near Tower Hamlets

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2021. Data sources: ONS Local statistics

How many Muslims are in Tower Hamlets?

38 per cent of our residents are Muslim – the highest proportion in the UK. What is the population of Tower Hamlets?

What percentage of Tower Hamlets is black?

Tower Hamlets has a smaller proportion of Black residents relative to the London average (7 vs. 13 per cent). Indian and Chinese residents each represent 3 per cent of the borough's population and Pakistani residents make up 1 per cent of the population.

Why is the population of London increasing?

Each year, the number of births in London significantly outweighs the number of deaths. This means that natural population change (births minus deaths) is consistently a much greater contributor to population growth in London than migration.

What is Tower Hamlets famous for?

The borough includes a number of London's famous attractions including the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Columbia Road Flower Market and Billingsgate Fish Market. The attractions of Bangla Town bring in thousands of tourists every year.