Selenium webdriver masterclass (basic + advance + architect) download

300+ Lectures, 80+ Hrs of inDepth training on Selenium WebDriver with Adv. Framework Designing and Live Projects

What Will I Learn?

  • By the end of the course you will be as much trained to automate any web based application using Selenium
  • Many pdf files, course code and other reference material will be provided along with the video lectures


  • No prior Java / coding knowledge required as everything is taught from the scratch
  • All topics are covered in detailed with live programming in the lectures which will make you feel as in you are studying in a live class room


Selenium WebDriver Training – Expert Level

One of the Biggest, Oldest and Most Demanding Selenium course on Udemy. Cover almost everything you need to Master in Selenium

Update: Added Live Webinar interactive sessions from 2016 Batch

Update: New Lectures added based on recent 2.53.1 WebDriver library update


Covers: Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium GRID, Basics of Mobile testing with Appium, Selendroid and IOS, All Major Selenium Automation Frameworks, Reporting, Live Projects and Interview Preparation.


********What makes this course unique from others**********************

250+ Lectures, Around 50 hours of Latest and unique content which you will not find in any other Selenium courses on Udemy. This course coveres Basics + Advance + Architect level topics on Selenium and Framework designing.

You will also get Live support in your queries and project via interactive webinar sessions and Team Viewers.


From ground till sky level this course covers every concept in Selenium automation which is a need of current automation industry.

**********COURSE HIGHLIGHTS**************************

  • Selenium IDE / RC / WebDriver with all Advance level concepts
  • Selenium GRID
  • Core Java Basics
  • JUnit / TestNG, ANT, Report generation, batch execution
  • SVN and MAVEN
  • Git, GitHUB
  • Continuous Integration – Jenkins / Hudson
  • Data Driven Framework
  • Hybrid (Keyword + DataDriven) Framework
  • Page Object Model with factories
  • Cucumber JVM – BDD Framework
  • SauceLab Integration
  • Mobile Automation Testing Basics
  • Selenium 3.0 – Appium
  • Selenium 3.0 – Selendroid
  • Selenium 3.0 – IOS Driver
  • Live Examples and Assignments


Not only WebApplication testing but you can also make your self expert in Automating your Android and IPhone Apps using the upcoming Selenium 3.0 API’s i.e. Selendroid, Appium & IOS-Driver. Which is no where found in any training programme and Way2Automation are the first one to launch tutorials on the same.

Not just the video lectures you will see the entire coding part done step by step and the lectures are explained in a very detailed and practical approach is taken in every example by the trainer.

Who is the target audience?

  • Manual Testers who wants to switch to Automation testing
  • Automation testers who wants to enhance thier current skills
  • Test Managers
  • Selenium RC Users who wish to migrate their projects in WebDriver

Created by Rahul Arora (Raman)
Last updated 1/2018

Size: 14.83 GB

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