Select the command that can be used to provide a long listing for each file in a directory:

A hard drive or SSD can be divided into partitions. What is the maximum number of primary partitions that can be used on these devices?

After a shell is no longer needed, what commands can be given to exit the shell?

After logging into a terminal, a user will receive an interface known as which option below

If a file's permissions are set to 750, what permissions are available to the group assigned to the file?

a permission that is unavailable is represented by what character?

In Linux, the core component of the GUI is known as

In order to create a hard or soft link what commands must be used

In order to move from the to the, what command below should be issued in order to move from the /home/joe/test/data directory to the /home/Joe directory, what command below should be issued?

Selected command below that can be used to provide a long listing for each file in the directory

Select the command below that shows the size of the directory and its contents and kilo bytes

Select a command that can be used to create partitions that will be stored in the MBR after installation

The contents of a certain variable in memory can be viewed using which meta character below in combination with the echo command

The file system hierarchy standard specifies what directly as the root user's home directory

The Linux kernel was developed and released in 1991 by

File quotas for certain users can be edited by using which command

The mkfs commands can be issued with what switch in order to specify a file system type

To display the contents of a text file called data what command should be used

To mount all file systems in the

/etc/fstab file that are intended to mount at boot time, what commands can be used

What command below takes a list of arguments specifying the absolute or relative path names of files to remove

What can man can be issued to confirm what directory you are in at the command line prompt

What commands can be used to check different kinds of file systems on Linux for errors

What commands can be used to copy files

What commands can be used to display the last five lines of a text file

What metacharacters can be used to refer to the current user's home directory

What metacharacter indicates background command execution

What piece of software tells the operating system how to use a specific hardware device

What term describes the physical hardware and the underlying operating system upon which a virtual machine runs

When using command line terminal, specific letters that start with a dash and appear after command names are considered to be

When using chmod command, the mode rwx can be represented by which number?

When viewing the version number for a Linux kernel what number indicates the stability of the kernel

Which command below provides the easiest method for monitoring free space on mounted

Which command can you useto display your current login name

One of the most commonly used metacharacters is the blank character, which tells the shell that the following text refers to a variable

Select the mode that corresponds to the setting r-x

The core component of the Linux operating system is the Linux blank

The blank command is used to display lines and text files that match a certain common regular expression

The blank command Prints text to the terminal screen

What two commands below can be used to locate files on a file system

When the core components of the Linux operating system are packaged together with other open source software it is called a what

Which comon GUI environments are available in most Linux distributions

You plug a USB flash memory drive into a system that has two SATA hard disk what will the partition on this USB flash memory drive be recognized as to the Linux system

You want to use the file systems that are presently in use on the system what command could you use

After a partition on a hard disk drive is formatted with a file system, all partitions on that disk drive must use the same file system. True or false?

What command can you use to view journaldthe log entries on a system that uses system D

Which option to the RPM command can be use to remove a package from the system

What two commands can be used to modify the password expiry information and a user's default shell

Which file contains full and incremental backup information for use with the dump / restore utility

The debian package manager is the default package manager used by fedora 20 true or false

Network interfaces can be configured automatically using what

Adding the -t option to what command below will provide a list of all printers on the system and their status?

What option can be used with the tar command to extract a specified archive

In order to download DPM packages what command should be used

What Linux command can be used to assign a TCP / IP configuration to a nic as well as view the current configuration of all network interfaces

What is the most commonly used LAN protocols

What is the name of the file that contains a listing of all users on the system and their home directories

What option can be added to the RPM command in order to query packages

What kind of servers resolve fully qualified domain names to IP addresses for a certain namespace on the Internet

What devices are used to transfer information from one network to another

What command looks for a makefile and uses the information within to compile the source code into binary programs using the appropriate compiler program for the local hardware architecture

What option can be added to the userdel command to remove the home directory of the target user

Which command should be used to restrict access to printers

Which file name extension indicates a tarball that is not using a compression utility

In order to create user accounts on a Linux system what command should be utilized

What commands can be used to troubleshoot routing by displaying all routers between the current computer and a remote computer

In order to send a print job to a printer using CUPS what command must be used

Ipv6 IP addresses are delimited by what character below

On Linux the root user always has a UID of what number

Which to NTP demons that are commonly used on Linux systems

What to below was designed as a secure remote access utility that encrypts information that passes across the network

RPM packages that require other RPM packages to be installed on a system prior to being installed create a relationship known as

When compiling source code into a binary program which command performs a system check and creates the Makefile

Before a computer can use a router what configuration information must it be provided

Which command can you use to lock a user account

Which of the following Damon's enables Linux to act like a Windows file server

A subnet mask is used to differentiate the host portion from the network portion in an ipv4 address true or false

Which file stores the TCP / IP addresses of the DNS servers used to resolve host names if no DNS servers are specified within the network configuration file for the NIC

What to Damon's can be used to start and manage connections for smaller networks such astelnet and rlogin

Select a command that can be used to send a small TCP / IP packet to another IP address and await a response

Which command would you use to unlock a user account

The Apache Damon listens for HTTP requests on what port by default

Which of the following commands can be used to search for packages that contain the word oobla on rpm software repositories

Mary is a system administrator in your organization she has recently made changes to the DHCP configuration file, but the DHCP daemon does not seem to recognize the new changes. What should she do

Which of the following are to logging Damon's used on Linux systems

What directive below in Apache httpd.vonf file specifies that the index.HTML file in the document root directory will be sent to client to request an HTML document

DirectoryIndex index.html

where is the skeleton directory located on most Linux

To change the primary group temporarily to another group that is listed in the output of the groups and ID commands, you can use which command below

what are two means available to resolve a hostname to the appropriate TCP / IP address

The demons associated with network services listen for network traffic associated with a particular what

On which part of the maintenance cycle to Lenox administrators spend the most time

What are best practices for securing a local Linux server

Lock the server in a server closet. Ensure that SELinux or apparmor is used to protect key services

What type of iptables chain targets traffic that is destined for the local computer

What will the command sar -W 3 50 do?

Take 3 CPU statistics every 50 seconds.

When performing a sar -u command, you notice that percentile is consistently 10%,isthisgood or bad

Bad because the processor is idle 10% of the time and perhaps a faster CPU is required

Which command can increase the number of file handles that programs can open in a shell

Which command indicates the shared libraries required by a certain executable program

Which file contains information regarding the users, computers, and commands used by the sudo command

Which of the following actions should you first take to secure your main computer against network attacks

Ensure that only necessary services are running

What are common assistive technologies

High contrast, sticky keys, on screen keyboard, mouse keys

What 3 cmands commands can be used to display memory statistics

Which of the following commands can be used to scan the available ports on computers within your organization

Which of the following files is likely to be found in the /var/log/sa directory on Fedora 20 system over time

Which of the following firewall D commands can be used to allow incoming SSH connection the next time the system is booted

firewall-cmd --add-service ssg --permanent

What two Linux intrusion detection systems can be used to detect altered files and directories

What are three common troubleshooting procedures

Test the solution, isolate the problem, collect information

RSA is a common symmetric encryption algorithm used by SSH and GPG true or false

The lspci command can be used to isolate problems with with X Windows true or false

The private key is used when creating a digital signature true or false

When the fsck command cannot repair a non root file system, you should immediately restore all data from tape backup true or false

What is a common for Linux that monitors files and directories

What is a software program that can be used to automatically authenticate users using their private key

A daemon used on some Linux systems to provide for easier configuration of netfilter via the ipchains command

Firewall daemon (firewalld)

A command that lists the files that are currently being viewed Ramada side by software programs and users

The connections that a program makes to files on a file system

A program that can be used to detect unauthorized access to a Linux system

IDS intrusion detection system

A measure of normal system activity

What is the command that can be used to scan ports on network computers

The process of embedding network packets with in other network packets

An attack in which a network service is altered in memory

Which two implementations of X windows are commonly used in Linux

What terms describe a computer connected to a remote hard disk via iSCSI, and the remote hard disk?

ISCSI initiator, iSCSI target

What keyword can be specified within a bootloader to force the system to boot to single user mode

Which command can be used to see processes running in the background

What number represents the stderr file descriptor

Which command can be used to start X Windows, the window manager, and the default desktop environment

Which runlevel halts the system

The current value for the HOME variable is displayed by which of the following commands

What number represents the stdin file descriptor

What Konstruct is intended for use in processing a list of objects, such as files, directories, users, printers, and so on

Term used to describe a process spawning or initiating another process

You have recently modified the options within the /etc/default/grub file. What command can you use next to rebuild the GRUB2 configuration file

What character, when appended to a command, causes the command to be run in the background

When you run the PS command, how are Damon processes recognized

There is a question mark in the TTY column

The first Damon loaded on a Linux system

The kill all command terminates what

All instances of a process with the same name

Which of the following commands will most likely increase the chance of a process receiving more time slices

After a background process has been started, what command below can be used to move it to the foreground

To verify hardware settings, you can examine the contents of the blank directory

Which of the following system D commands can be used to stop a demon called Lala

systemctl stop lala.service

What does >> accomplishwhenenteredon the command line after acommand

It appends standard output to a file

Which file does the UNIX sysV init daemon reference on startup to determine the default runlevel

Which process will always have a PID of one and a PPID of 0

What command is used to view and modify user jobs scheduled to run with cron

a user-defined variable that can be used by processes that run in sub shells, the variable must be what

What kill level signal cannot be trapped

Which of the following commands can be used to start a UNIX sysV Damon called Lala and run levels 1, 2 & 3?

chkconfig --level 123 lala on

CFS volumes are mounted at boot time from entries within /etc/fstab by default true or false

Which command can you use during a system rescue to switch from the root of the live is to the root of the Linux system installed on the hard disk

Select the meta character that can be used to send the standard output of one command to another command as standard input

What grade level is commonly referred to as disk striping with parity

What to raid types below utilize disc striping with parity providing protection against one or two drive failures respectively

Lilo needs to be reinstalled after it has been modified True or false?

Where is the /proc file system stored

In order to redirect a file to the standard input of a command what metscharacter should be used

You want to view log files to get information about a problem that occurred during a Linux installation. In which directory will you likely find the log files

Which construct can be used in a shell script to read standard and put in place it in a variable

Which command entered without arguments is used to display a list of processes running in the current shell

In Fedora 20, the logging system used to record the messages normally stored within the boot.Log, messages, and syslog files has been replaced by a journaling database system called what

Zombie processes are also known as defunkt processes true or false

Which of the following grade levels is not fault tolerant

Which of the following indicates the second partition on the third hard disk drive to grub

The Blank is a high performance file system and volume management software that was designed for large-scale Linux systems that need to store data on multiple disks, SANs, and remote systems

Insta Dora Lenox, a blank file is a script file that specifies the choices that you would normally choose when you install the operating system

A list of all exported environment and user defined variables in a shell can be viewed with what command

The standard output and standard error from a terminal screen within the bash shell can be redirected to a file on the file system using what shell made a character followed by the absolute or relative path name of a file

How do you indicate a comment line in a shell script

The alias command can be used to make a shortcut to a single command true or false

What systemdtarget corresponds to run level 5

What is the name given to a process not associated with a terminal

What command can be used to display the last five lines of a text file?

To look at the last few lines of a file, use the tail command. tail works the same way as head: type tail and the filename to see the last 10 lines of that file, or type tail -number filename to see the last number lines of the file. Try using tail to look at the last five lines of your .

When using the vi text editor which of the following keys when in command mode will change to insert mode and place the cursor at the end of the current line?

Open (insert) a new blank line for typing and put vi in insert mode. Move the cursor ahead to the next word. Move the cursor back to the previous word. Delete one character. ... 6.3 Adjusting the Screen..

Which of the following commands can be used to update the last modified timestamp on a file or if the file specified does not exist will create the file?

The touch command will update the last modified date on a file when used on a file that exists. When used on a file that does not exist, it will create a blank file.

What mode does the vi editor open by default?

Command mode is the default mode for vi .