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01 November 2022

Theoretical Advances and Problems in the Sociology of Punishment

This seminar, delivered by Sydney Law School visiting Fellow, Professor David Garland (New York University) explores the theoretical advances and problems in the sociology of punishment.

01 November 2022

6.00PM - 7.30PM


01 November 2022

6.00PM - 7.30PM

08 November 2022

Wingarra Djuraliyin: Public Lecture on Indigenous Peoples and Law

Sydney Law School is proud to host the annual Wingarra Djuraliyin public lecture, which showcases Indigenous perspectives on law. In 2022, the lecture will be delivered by Dr Anne Poelina and Marlikka Perdristat on the topic of ‘First Law: A Climate Chance’. Introductory remarks will be made by by First Nations Lawyer in Residence, Teela Reid.

08 November 2022

6.00PM - 7.30PM

Law Foyer, Level 2, New Law Building (F10), Eastern Avenue, University of Sydney

08 November 2022

6.00PM - 7.30PM

09 November 2022

Domestic and Family Violence Conference

A one day conference of academic researchers and community professionals who are working to improve our understanding of and response to Domestic and Family Violence.

09 November 2022

The University of Sydney, New Law Building (F10), Eastern Avenue, Camperdown

09 November 2022

10 November 2022

Building resilience in Australia’s electricity infrastructure

Australia has been hit by successive extreme weather events and disasters in recent years. As the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report has warned this is going to get worse. This conference assesses ways in which our existing grid can be made more resilient but it also looks to the resilience of our future grid in 2040. Experts from the disciplines of law, engineering, and physics, in Australia and the United States, will share their perspectives on how this can be achieved.

10 November 2022

9.00AM - 4.30PM

Online event

10 November 2022

9.00AM - 4.30PM

24 November 2022

Youth Crime and Youth Justice Forum

The Forum will bring together key stakeholders working to prevent youth crime and to administer the various aspects of youth justice. Presenters will discuss latest trends, research and policies in these areas and will showcase some of the relevant work across the University of Sydney.

24 November 2022

9.00AM - 3.30PM

Level 1, New Law Building (F10), Eastern Avenue, Camperdown

24 November 2022

9.00AM - 3.30PM

01 November 2022

Theoretical Advances and Problems in the Sociology of Punishment

This seminar, delivered by Sydney Law School visiting Fellow, Professor David Garland (New York University) explores the theoretical advances and problems in the sociology of punishment.

01 November 2022

6.00PM - 7.30PM


01 November 2022

6.00PM - 7.30PM

08 November 2022

Wingarra Djuraliyin: Public Lecture on Indigenous Peoples and Law

Sydney Law School is proud to host the annual Wingarra Djuraliyin public lecture, which showcases Indigenous perspectives on law. In 2022, the lecture will be delivered by Dr Anne Poelina and Marlikka Perdristat on the topic of ‘First Law: A Climate Chance’. Introductory remarks will be made by by First Nations Lawyer in Residence, Teela Reid.

08 November 2022

6.00PM - 7.30PM

Law Foyer, Level 2, New Law Building (F10), Eastern Avenue, University of Sydney

08 November 2022

6.00PM - 7.30PM

09 November 2022

Domestic and Family Violence Conference

A one day conference of academic researchers and community professionals who are working to improve our understanding of and response to Domestic and Family Violence.

09 November 2022

The University of Sydney, New Law Building (F10), Eastern Avenue, Camperdown

09 November 2022

10 November 2022

Building resilience in Australia’s electricity infrastructure

Australia has been hit by successive extreme weather events and disasters in recent years. As the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report has warned this is going to get worse. This conference assesses ways in which our existing grid can be made more resilient but it also looks to the resilience of our future grid in 2040. Experts from the disciplines of law, engineering, and physics, in Australia and the United States, will share their perspectives on how this can be achieved.

10 November 2022

9.00AM - 4.30PM

Online event

10 November 2022

9.00AM - 4.30PM

08 November 2022

Wingarra Djuraliyin: Public Lecture on Indigenous Peoples and Law

Sydney Law School is proud to host the annual Wingarra Djuraliyin public lecture, which showcases Indigenous perspectives on law. In 2022, the lecture will be delivered by Dr Anne Poelina and Marlikka Perdristat on the topic of ‘First Law: A Climate Chance’. Introductory remarks will be made by by First Nations Lawyer in Residence, Teela Reid.

08 November 2022

6.00PM - 7.30PM

Law Foyer, Level 2, New Law Building (F10), Eastern Avenue, University of Sydney

08 November 2022

6.00PM - 7.30PM

09 November 2022

Domestic and Family Violence Conference

A one day conference of academic researchers and community professionals who are working to improve our understanding of and response to Domestic and Family Violence.

09 November 2022

The University of Sydney, New Law Building (F10), Eastern Avenue, Camperdown

09 November 2022

10 November 2022

Building resilience in Australia’s electricity infrastructure

Australia has been hit by successive extreme weather events and disasters in recent years. As the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report has warned this is going to get worse. This conference assesses ways in which our existing grid can be made more resilient but it also looks to the resilience of our future grid in 2040. Experts from the disciplines of law, engineering, and physics, in Australia and the United States, will share their perspectives on how this can be achieved.

10 November 2022

9.00AM - 4.30PM

Online event

10 November 2022

9.00AM - 4.30PM

24 November 2022

Youth Crime and Youth Justice Forum

The Forum will bring together key stakeholders working to prevent youth crime and to administer the various aspects of youth justice. Presenters will discuss latest trends, research and policies in these areas and will showcase some of the relevant work across the University of Sydney.

24 November 2022

9.00AM - 3.30PM

Level 1, New Law Building (F10), Eastern Avenue, Camperdown

24 November 2022

9.00AM - 3.30PM

What is a meaning of law?

1 : a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority: as. a : a command or provision enacted by a legislature — see also statute sense 1.

What is the real of law?

Rule of law is a principle under which all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws that are: Publicly promulgated. Equally enforced. Independently adjudicated.

What are the 3 most common types of law?

Criminal Law..
Civil Law..
Administrative Law..

What does the law do?

Laws protect our general safety, and ensure our rights as citizens against abuses by other people, by organizations, and by the government itself. We have laws to help provide for our general safety.


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