It is the ability to use the body\s senses to perform motor tasks smoothly and accurately.

It is the ability to use the bodys senses to perform motor tasks smoothly and accurately.

What does each word mean to you, in terms of sports? Personally, I have a theory. If you care, keep reading.

A consensus that is usually generated by this question is that skills are the facets of the game you learn and develop, and talent is natural ability. For example, a singer's voice is their talent and the rest is skill. However, I don't think this can be applied to sports. Nobody is born fit with ripped muscles, though it certainly affects your physique. Height is probably the only dependent genetic factor, but a wingspan can be significantly increased through training.

After some research, I have concluded that skills and talent, in sports, go down to two distinct categories each with several components. And that this just doesn't apply to recreational sports, but here is a universal definition for anything that works on fitness. You can maintain or improve on both of these by crossing your training threshold, or overload. This goes back to something you were taught in middle school PE curriculum, skill-related fitness and health-related fitness. The following definitions have are from a transcript form my school curriculum.

Agility:The ability to quickly and accurately change the direction of limb or several limbs.

Balance:The ability to maintain equilibrium while stationary or moving.

Coordination:The ability to use the senses and body parts in order to perform motor tasks smoothly and accurately.

Power:The amount of force a muscle can exert quickly.

Reaction Time: The ability to respond quickly to stimuli.

Speed: The amount of time it takes the body to perform specific tasks.

Cardiovascular Fitness (Aerobic Fitness):

This is also sometimes known as stamina and is the ability of your body to continuously provide enough energy to sustain submaximal levels of exercise. To do this the circulatory and respiratory systems must work together efficiently to provide the working muscles with enough Oxygen to enable aerobic metabolism.

This type of fitness has enormous benefits to our lifestyle as it allows us to be active throughout the day, for example walking to the shops, climbing stairs or running to catch a bus. It also allows us to get involved in sports and leisure pursuits. If we have good cardiovascular fitness then our health is also good as it helps with:

  • Fat metabolism
  • Improved delivery of Oxygen
  • Faster removal of waste products
  • Decreased levels of stress


Strength is vitally important, not only in sports but in day-to-day life. We need to be strong to perform certain tasks, such as lifting heavy bags or using our legs to stand up from a chair. Strength is defined as the ability of a muscle to exert a force to overcome a resistance. The benefits of strength are:

  • Avoid injuries
  • Maintain good posture
  • Remain independent (in older age)


Flexibility is the movement available at our joints, usually controlled by the length of our muscles. This is often thought to be less important than strength, or cardiovascular fitness. However, if we are not flexible our movement decreases and joints become stiff. Flexibility in sports allows us to perform certain skills more efficiently, for example a gymnast, dancer or diver must be highly flexible, but it is also important in other sports to aid performance and decrease the risk of injury. In daily activities we must be flexible to reach for something in a cupboard, or off the floor. It also helps:

  • Prevent injuries
  • Improve posture
  • Reduce low back pain
  • Maintain healthy joints
  • Improve balance during movement

Muscular Endurance:

Muscular endurance, unlike strength, is the ability of a muscle to make repeated contractions over a period of time. This is used in day-to-day life in activities such as climbing stairs, digging the garden and cleaning. Muscular endurance is also important in sports, such as football (repeated running and kicking), tennis (repeated swinging of the arm to hit the ball) and swimming (repeating the stroke).

Body Composition:

Body composition is the amount of muscle, fat, bone, cartilage etc that makes up our bodies. In terms of health, fat is the main point of interest and everything else is termed lean body tissue. The amount of fat we carry varies from person to person and healthy averages vary with gender and age. A healthy amount of fat for a teen male is between 12%-20% and for ten female is higher at 22%-28%. It is important to maintain a healthy percentage of body fat because:

  • Excess body fat can contribute to developing a number of health problems such as heart disease and diabetes
  • Places strain on the joints, muscles and bones, increasing the risk of injury


Question Answer
Define Agility the ability to rapidly and accurately change the direction of the whole body in space.
Define Balance the ability to maintain equilibrium while stationary or moving (ability to control or stabilize the body while standing or moving). Define Coordination the ability to use the senses and body parts in order to perform motor tasks smoothly and accurately. Define Power the amount of force a muscle can exert. Define Reaction Time the ability to respond quickly to stimuli. Define Speed the amount of time it takes the body to perform specific tasks.


meaning of physical fitness components of PF(physical fitness)​

research about energy system and give some​

examples of lifestyle??​

Based on Cassandra's goal setting. Explain which part is: SPECIFIC- MEASURABLE - ATTAINABLE- RELEVANT- TIMELY -​

Moderate (40-55%): 220-age= (PMAR) MHR × O.4 = _____bpmMAR × 0.55 =_____bpmVigorous (60-86%): MHR × 0.6 =____bpm MHR × 0.85=____bpm​

when is it best to workout after a fever?​


what comes to your mind when you see, hear or read "physical fitness"?​

a failure communicate receiver?​

What’s New Task: PAIR IT UP! Study the table below. Under Column B are the specific components of physical fitness. Pair each item with its descriptio … n under Column D. To signify pairing, draw any sports equipment on Columns A and D opposite the item and the description matched. An example is provided below. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper. Column A Column B Column C Column D Agility The ability to sustain long continued contractions where a number of muscle groups are used; the capacity to bear or last long in a certain task without undue fatigue Balance The ability of the individual to change direction or position in space with quickness and lightness of movement while maintaining dynamic balance. Coordination The ability to make successive movements of the same kind in the shortest period of time. Endurance Refers to the soundness of the heart and lungs which contributes to the ability to resist disease. Flexibility Refers to the ability of the muscles to release maximum force in the shortest period of time. Organic Vigor The ability to integrate the body parts to produce smooth motion Power The capacity to sustain the application of force without yielding or breaking; the ability of the muscles to exert efforts against resistance Speed The quality of plasticity, which gives the ability to do a wide range of movement. Strength The ability to control organic equipment neuro-muscularly; a state of equilibrium.​

Is the ability to use the senses and body parts to perform tasks smoothly efficiently and accurately *?

Coordination: The ability to use the senses and body parts in order to perform motor tasks smoothly and accurately.

Which is the following is the ability to use senses and body parts?

Proprioception, or kinesthesia, is the sense that lets us perceive the location, movement, and action of parts of the body.

What do you call the ability to use the senses?

perception. noun. the ability to notice something by seeing, hearing, smelling etc.

Is the ability of the body part to move at the joint in full range of motion?

Flexibility- the ability to move a body part through a full range of motion.