Download docker mastery: with kubernetes swarm from a docker captain bret fisher free

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2021 Update: Ready for Apple Silicon (M1 arm64) and Raspberry Pi's. Be ready for the Dockerized future with the number ONE Docker + Kubernetes mega-course on Udemy. Welcome to the most complete and up-to-date course for learning and using containers end-to-end, from development and testing, to server deployments and production. Taught by an award-winning Docker Captain and DevOps consultant.

Just starting out with Docker? Perfect. This course starts out assuming you're new to containers.

Or: Using Docker now and need to deal with real-world problems? I'm here for you. See my production topics around Swarm, Kubernetes, secrets, logging, rolling upgrades, and more.

BONUS: This course comes with Slack Chat and Live Weekly Q&A with me.

"I've followed another course on (Udemy). This one is a million times more in depth." "...when it comes to all the docker stuff, this is the course you're gonna want to take" - Student Udemy Review

Why should you learn from me? Why trust me to teach you the best ways to use Docker?   (Hi, I'm Bret, please allow me to talk about myself for a sec):

  • I'm A Practitioner. Welcome to the real world: I've got 20 years of sysadmin and developer experience, over 30 certifications, and have been using Docker and the container ecosystem for my consulting clients and my own companies since Docker's early days. Learn from someone who's run hundreds of containers across dozens of projects and organizations.

  • I'm An Educator. Learn from someone who knows how to make a syllabus: I want to help you. People say I'm good at it. For the last few years, I've trained thousands of people on using Docker in workshops, conferences, and meetups. See me teach at events like DockerCon, O'Reilly Velocity, GOTO Conf, and Linux Open Source Summit. I hope you'll decide to learn with me, and join the fantastic online Docker community.

  • I Lead Communities. Also, I'm a Docker Captain, meaning that Docker Inc. thinks I know a thing or two about Docker and that I do well in sharing it with others. In the real-world: I help run two local meetups in our fabulous tech community in Norfolk/Virginia Beach USA. I help online: usually in Slack and Twitter, where I learn from and help others.

"Because of the Docker Mastery course, I landed my first DevOps job. Thank you Captain. " - Student Ronald Alonzo

"There are a lot of Docker courses on Udemy but ignore those, Bret is the single most qualified person to teach you." - Kevin Griffin, Microsoft MVP

Giving Back: a portion of my profit on this course will be donated to supporting open source and protecting our freedoms online.  This course is only made possible by the amazing people creating open source. I'm standing on the shoulders of (open source) giants. Donations will be split between my favorite charities including the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Free Software Foundation. Look them up. They're awesome.

This is a living course and will be updated as Docker and Kubernetes features change.

This course is designed to be fast at getting you started but also get you deep into the "why" of things. Simply the fastest and best way to learn the latest container skills. Look at the scope of topics in the Session and see the breadth of skills you will learn.

Also included are Slack and Discord servers with 50k students for getting help with this course and continuing your Docker and DevOps learning with help from myself and other students.

"Bret's course is a level above all of those resources, and if you're struggling to get a handle on Docker, this is the resource you need to invest in." - Austin Tindle, Course Student

Some of the many cool things you'll do in this course:

  • Edit web code on your machine while it's served up in a container

  • Lock down your apps in private networks that only expose necessary ports

  • Create a 3-node Swarm cluster in the cloud

  • Install Kubernetes and learn the leading server cluster tools

  • Use Virtual IP's for built-in load balancing in your cluster

  • Optimize your Dockerfiles for faster building and tiny deploys

  • Build/Publish your own custom application images

  • Learn the differences between Kubernetes and Swarm

  • Create your own image registry

  • Use Swarm Secrets to encrypt your environment configs, even on disk

  • Deploy container updates in a rolling always-up design

  • Create the config utopia of a single set of YAML files for local dev, CI testing, and prod cluster deploys

  • And so much more...

After taking this course, you'll be able to:

  • Use Docker in your daily developer and/or sysadmin roles

  • Deploy apps to Kubernetes

  • Make Dockerfiles and Compose files

  • Build multi-node Swarm clusters and deploying H/A containers

  • Make Kubernetes YAML manifests and deploy using infrastructure-as-code methods

  • Build a workflow of using Docker in dev, then test/CI, then production with YAML

  • Protect your keys, TLS certificates, and passwords with encrypted secrets

  • Keep your Dockerfiles and images small, efficient, and fast

  • Run apps in Docker, Swarm, and Kubernetes and understand the pros/cons of each

  • Develop locally while your code runs in a container

  • Protect important persistent data in volumes and bind mounts

  • Lead your team into the future with the latest Docker container skills.

Extra things that come with this course:

  • Access to the course Slack team, for getting help/advice from me and other students.

  • Bonus videos I put elsewhere like YouTube, linked to from this course's resources.

  • Weekly Live Q&A on YouTube Live.

  • Tons of reference links to supplement this content.

  • Updates to content as Docker changes their features on these topics.

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Rating4.6 based on 4,340 ratings
Length19.5 total hours
StartsOn Demand (Start anytime)
From Udemy
Instructors Bret Fisher, Docker Captain Program
Download Videos Only via the Udemy mobile app
Language English
Subjects Programming
Tags Development Tools Development Software Development Tools

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What people are saying

step by step

Step by step approach along with helpful material as well as small assignments is helping to keep up pace with course Excellent course, I already use Docker for development environment, but almost each video explain me some things that I didn't saw during my self taught of Docker.

so educative Pretty nice course, I am happy to take it It's highly practical and build your knowledge step by step.

The author shows all topics step by step.

Step by Step implementation helps me a lot as a beginner Sorry, thought this was a review for each video.

This course is realy realy great at increasing the diffeculty step by step.

Its a great course, teaches step by step very well.

Step by step explanation.

Bret teach us step by step and cover all parts of Docker.

I'm using docker form last 6 months and I was actually looking for something related to Docker Notary and Signer to sign the image but you course helped me to understand swarm and many more other things Thanks a lot Bret , you are Sir :) Very clear explanation how docker works step by step.

The completeness and step by step delivery makes it easy to digest and I can immediately see myself applying the new found knowledge at work as well as in my hobbies (my own blender render farm :-) !

Very informative, step by step and a good pace for someone who has never used docker before!!!

The assignments give you a chance to practice what you learned and if you're stuck or just can't figure it out, he walks step by step through the answers.

Content progresses step by step so you won't get lost.

The videos giving you the answer are great when you are stuck as they go step by step how things need to be done.

slack channel

In addition, Bret has created a very complete environment, with a Slack channel, documentation, etc., which helps us quite a bit to clear up any doubts.

From the Thursday youtube LIVE sessions, the Docker Mastery slack channel and other additional pieces we get in the course, I am very happy with this journey!

In addition to swiftly taking me through lots of docker concepts, from basics up to (so far for me - still haven't finished the whole course yet) swarm mode orchestration with multiple nodes, Bret has given invaluable help and re-steered my course correctly when I've started drifting away from best practices via his course's slack channels for which I'm equally grateful.

Missing sections for me (which I'll discuss on the slack channel): - compute resource allocation: how much resource will X container need?

This course is outstanding, with tons of other resources such as a slack channel that other authors don't bother doing.

Thanks Bret, see you in the slack channels.

I also really like the fact the course includes a slack channel to get questions answered or help answer questions as they arise either in the course or in ones work environment.

The Slack channel is really useful to exchange tips & tricks about Docker.

Then there's the Slack channel.

Thanks for your help in the slack channel too!

The Slack channel, and online resources have been fantastic references.

The videos were great and he was responsive in the Slack channels.

Lucidly explained via brief videos (average length would be 8-9 minutes) and the author also has a Slack Channel where he actively helps out students with doubts related to the concepts along with an equally helpful fellow, Mr. TJ Biddle.

And also the slack channel is the best idea ever to get help from other users and also help others.

real world scenarios

I would definitely recommend this course to developers that are looking for a starting point in order to be able to use docker in their real world scenarios About the course: - Topics were excellent - Resources were good - Good amount of hands-on exercises - Transition between sections were perfect - Up to the point, lectures were neither too short nor too long About the instructor: - Bret Fisher is a very good teacher - He explained concepts very clearly - His examples were easy to follow too - Bret's pace in the course was excellent - He has an easy way to transfer knowledge Side Notes: - Practice makes perfect - Do all assignments to gain confident - Be aware that the course is not about Docker EE Finally: All in All.

Bret is an amazing instructor, clear, consize, professional...From real world scenarios to tips and hints on how to give you a better knowledge of this amazing technology.

Captivating examples and real world scenarios will help you in gaining this impressive skill.

The exercises are base on real world scenarios, where he makes you search around and read documentation to achieve a goal.

Bret, I hope you are able to add lectures on more real world scenarios and using Docker for local development.

This course is full of material and practical steps to get the job done, good explanations with real world scenarios and best practices.

Bret gives clear and unbiased recipes for real world scenarios of handling docker files.

Clear and to the point with working examples and assignments to prepare for real world scenarios.

I would request him to come up with more real world scenarios Good material.

muito bom

Muito bom o curso, extremamente didático e bastante completo.

Muito bom!

:) O curso é muito bom, a didática é muito boa também.

muito bom, apesar ter visto com legenda gerado pelo google :D Explanations of docker concepts and commands are very easy to follow.

Making it a great courses Muito bom!!

Curso muito bom, com um bom ritmo e um nível de detalhamento adequado, sem contar o inglês de fácil compreensão para aqueles que não são proficientes no idioma.

Muito bom, ótimo curso, ótima didática Not clearly explained how Docker has been installed in first place i like the datails about the docker commands and components This guy knows his stuff.

Inclusive o player é muito bom e funciona bem com os atalhos de rodar o vídeo, pausar, colocar e tirar de tela cheia.

Very good match, I had some Docker experience but it helps me fill some gaps excellent quality, goes into very high level of detail Estou apenas ainda bem no inicio, mas me parece muito bom o curso.

O instrutor é bastante detalhista e como pretende o curso ser um ensinamento para iniciantes é muito bom esse cuidado.

Very good Clear and useful information Parece muito bom.

Haven’t learned anything new or tangible Great it very descriptive Clear explanation of concepts Muito bom!

half way through

half way through and I thought i knew Docker but this showed me that I had barely scratched the surface of Docker.

around half way through this course if felt confident enough to use tools like docker-compose for a project at work the instructor is knowlegable.

Almost half way through the course and it (Visual Studio) has not be referenced to or mentioned (which - again - is a good thing for me).

I have learned so much already and I'm only half way through!

I have learnt a lot from this course and am only half way through.

I'm about half way through and I've learned a ton so far.

Not even half way through and I've learned so much.

really knows his stuff

The course is very engaging, the instructor really knows his stuff, the assignments are a great way to get hands on knowledge that is very easily forgotten in courses that are purely content driven The explanations are straightforward, practical, and obviously come from a place of deep understanding.

The instructor really knows his stuff.

Bret really knows his stuff.

Getting to know the why of it and that it is a must to know docker for the right reasons not because everyone is talking about it but because the whole industry is moving towards it Fantastic course the instructor really knows his stuff.

zero to hero

Currently the best docker course from zero to hero I decided to learn docker after getting serious about web development.

Bret takes you from zero to hero in a matter of no time.

Easy to follow zero to hero course, and most importantly up to date with explanations of previous versions of docker too In depth course, explains Docker and usage very well.

This is a really well done class and you can go from zero to hero in a short time.

The best course if you want to go from Zero to Hero in Docker understanding Very detailed and positive.

The course covers everything needed to go from zero to hero!

balance between

I was complete newbie, and this course is giving me right balance between theory and practice.

The course is perfect balance between theory and practice.

I have a deep Linux knowledge and curious about docker; the course has the right balance between theory and practice, and the assignments are well placed and with the right complexity.

I liked very much the explanations and the balance between theory and practice.

IMHO it strikes a great balance between going into details and skimming over topics.

Very clear, very understandable, "assignments" strike the right balance between length, complexity, and educational value.

The course itself has an excellent balance between hands-on experience and information sharing.

Most importantly, he strikes a great balance between giving you what you need to be productive, but also explaining what is going on under-the-hood.

Strikes a good balance between going deep enough for good understanding, without getting bogged down in esoterica.

sharing your knowledge

Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, skills.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Thank you so much, Bret for sharing your knowledge!

Thanks, Mr. Fisher for sharing your knowledge.

Thank for sharing your knowledge.

command line

I liked command line configuration and tools used.

I would recommend basic familiarity with linux command line as prerequisite.

I did work while pausing the video and that was very helpful in understanding the command line.

Bret does a very good job in fast forwarding through the deep dive and as plus, whenever using commands in the welcome new and more structured syntax of the docker command line interface, always offers information on how this relates to elder (still supported) call vectors.

While the 'interactive' aspect is not solving little koans, it is steady and well explained enough that you can type commands and follow along with Bret in your own command line.

I did the same thing with one command line, 5 mins max.. You make this look so easy that I almost hate you... if I didn't love you so much!

I also ran the nginx container and then left it for a few days and came back and I pressed ctrl+c and got back to the command line, and then I couldn't run the --detach nginx container because the other one was still running for some reason.

The quality is good Clear speaker, easy to see what is being typed into the command line.

from knowing nothing

You can go from knowing nothing to have a really good understanding of containers/dockers.

I went from knowing nothing about Docker to being able to have pretty descent technical discussion in less than a week after completing this course.

Very nice step by step tutorial, from knowing nothing about docker to deploying big swarms of microservices!

Only a few videos in so far though Great course, went from knowing nothing about docker to deploying a docker based project on google compute engine... over a single weekend!

der kurs

Das Zusammenbauen von eigenen Images würde ich vorziehen, sonst ist der Kurs ganz gut.

Bis jetzt (ist ja erst das Intro) ist der Kurs wie erwartet Excellent course!

Der Kurs hat ein sehr angenehmes Tempo.

Der Kurs gibt eine sehr umfangreiche Einführung in das Docker Universum.

Der Kurs ist gut strukturiert und Bret spricht sehr verständlich.

Der Kursleiter spricht deutlich, also ohne nuscheln und Akzent.

Der Kurs ist gut strukturiert, sehr professionell und nimmt auch Anfänger so mit, dass man alles gut nachvollziehen kann .

Der Kurs beginnt mit einer sehr detailreichen Einführung in Docker und erfüllt meine Erwartungen (bis hier) voll und ganz.


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