Contrast microevolution and macroevolution.

Contrast microevolution and macroevolution.

Micro-evolution refers to the alteration in a gene pool of the population over time, resulting in small changes of an organism in the same species. On the other hand, Macro-evolution refers to the alteration in organisms, and these changes gradually give rise to completely new species, which is different from their ancestors.

The genetic change in the scale of descent over time or heritable change in a population of an organism; brought up by the process like genetic drift, mutations, gene flow, natural selection is termed as Evolution. Charles Darwin published – “The Origin of Species” ‘1859’, was the time when the theory of evolution came into light. However, before this many scientists and biologist like Aristotle, Linnaeus, Cuvier, Lamarck, Lyall also studied on this topic and wrote books.

Although there is still discrepancy among Creationists that why they accept microevolution and not macroevolution – the common explanation they put is that dogs species may bring changes in their gene pool to become smaller or bigger, but the dog can never become a cat. Hence, it is clear that microevolution may frequently occur within same species but macroevolution never will.

Macro-evolution is different from micro-evolution, as there are many observations of variation in case of micro-evolution and do not requires any statistically significant increase of functional genetic information; but in case of macro-evolution, the genetic change requires a statistically significant increase of functional genetic information, which is difficult to achieve.

Though variations are observed in all forms of life, whether it is a virus, plant, bacteria, animals or humans, this diversification is the only factor which makes each one of us distinctive from each other. Hereby, this article is about the two general types of evolution which are micro and macro, how they differ from each other, with a brief description of them.

Content: Micro EvolutionVs Macro Evolution

  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Conclusion

Comparison Chart

Basis for Comparison Micro-evolution Macro-evolution
The evolution which occurs on a small scale and within a single population is micro evolution.
The evolution that occurs on a large and surpasses the level of the single species is macro evolution.
It gives rise to
Changes in the gene pool, which results in a few changes in the same species also called Intra-species genetic change. The macroevolution results in the formation of new species.
The changes in micro evolution occur over short timescales.
The changes observed in macro evolution occurs over long-time scales.
Genetic information Genetic information gets altered or rearranged.
There is the new addition, deletion in the genetic structure, resulting in the new species.
Creationists support
As this process has been experimentally proven and so creationists support this type of evolution. As there are many barriers in providing experimental proof and so creationists do not support this kind of evolution.
Example The peppered moth, new strains of flu viruses, Galapagos finch beaks, etc.
Origin of different phyla, development of vertebrates from invertebrates, development of feathers.

Definition of Micro-Evolution

Micro-evolution can be defined as the alteration in the gene frequency which occurs over time within a population of a species. As this process happens on a short time scale, it is often observed. The reason for the changes is the mutation, genetic drift, gene flow, insertions/deletions, gene transfer, and natural selection.

Gene flow or gene migration is transfers of genes through the physical movements of the alleles within the population, which means that gene flow occurs when any individuals emigrate or immigrate between populations. The gene flow increases the genetic diversity of a population.

Genetic drift is seen in small populations, where evolution occurs due to random changes in the allele frequency within a population. The Bottleneck effects say that the gene pool randomly drifts when the population gets reduced by any calamity, that kills unselectively. The Founders effects, where the few numbers of individuals got separated from their population, may result in genetic drift.

Mutations are considered as one of the most likely causes of the variations, which results in new alleles. Mutations occur due to replication errors, UV radiations, viruses, and mutagenic chemicals. Natural selections take thousands of years to happens and bring noticeable changes. Selectin can be natural or artificial.

There are numerous cases of natural selection like, House sparrows which were introduced in 1852 to North America. Since that time to date, the sparrows have evolved with different characteristics living in different locations. Another example can be taken of herbicide resistance, pesticides resistance, and antibiotic resistance which evolved themselves from several kinds of antibiotics or drugs.

Definition of Macro-Evolution

It can be defined as the evolution that occurs above the species level. Macro-evolution is considered as large scale changes, that are observed in a different organism, but these changes take thousands of years to take place.

Let’s take an example of Asian Elephant and the African Elephant; these species cannot mate due to reproductive isolation. Here the main factor is macroevolution which describes the difference between two closely related though distinct species. This is called as speciation, which occurs through the various mechanisms.

The term macroevolution also follows a concept of Universal Common Descent, where it explains the common shared ancestry between all living organisms. It also shows the variation among organisms of larger clades of organisms, like the different taxonomic groups within primates.

Macro-evolution is derived from the microevolution only; the difference is in the time-scale and the kind of gene alteration.

Given below points are the essential one to distinguish between micro-evolution and macro-evolution:

  1. The heritable change in the gene frequency is called as evolution when the evolution occurs on a small scale and within a single population is micro-evolution, while the evolution that occurs on a large and surpasses the level of the single species is macro-evolution.
  2. Micro-evolution gives rise to changes in the gene pool, which results in few changes in the same species also called Intra-species genetic change, whereas the macro-evolution results in the formation of new species.
  3. The changes in micro-evolution occur over short-time scales, whereas the changes observed in macro-evolution occurs over long-time scales.
  4. Genetic information gets altered or rearranged in micro-evolution, whereas there is the new addition, deletion in the genetic structure, resulting in the formation of new species in macroevolution.
  5. Creationists support micro-evolution as this process has been experimentally proven and is observed frequently, although there are many barriers in providing experimental proof and so creationists do not support this kind of evolution as it takes a lot of time to occur.
  6. Example of the micro-evolution are the peppered moth, new strains of flu viruses, Galapagos finch beaks, etc. and Origin of different phyla, development of vertebrates from invertebrates, development of feathers are the examples of macro-evolution.


The changes in the genetic code are called evolution. The genes carry all the genetic information and are responsible for small changes in these genetic code known as microevolution, and sometimes these changes can be vast to form new species so termed macroevolution while genes vary significantly between forms of life, though the basic mechanisms of alteration in all genes are same.