A standing plan is ________.

Standing Plans: ongoing plans that provide guidance for activities performed repeatedly.Traditional Goal Setting: an approach to setting goals in which top managers set goals that thenflow down through the organization and become sub goals for each organizational area.Mean-Ends Chain: an integrated network of goals in which the accomplishment of goals at onelevel serves as the means for achieving the goals, or ends, at the next level.Management by Objectives (MBO): a process of setting mutually agreed upon goals and usingthese goals to evaluate employee performance.Strength Goals: seemingly impossible goals.Mission: a broad statement of an organization’s purpose that provides an overall guide to whatorganizational members think is important.Commitment Concept: plans should extend far enough to meet those commitments made whenthe plans were developed.Formal Planning Department: a group of planning specialists whose sole responsibility ishelping to write organizational plans.Environmental Scanning: screening information to detect emerging trends.Competitor Intelligence: gathering information about competitors that allows managers toanticipate competitors’ actions rather than merely react to them.

Chapter 8 Quiz: 84%A(n) _______ plan is designed to be used when the same situation occurs repeatedly, whereas _______plans are intended to meet the needs of a unique situation.A.strategic; operationalB.operational; strategicC.specific; directionalD.long-term; short-termE.standing; single-use

_______ are documents that outline how goals will be met; _______ are desired outcomes or targets.

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Which of the following involves gathering information about competitors to allow managers toanticipate competitors' actions?

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A SWOT analysisE.Environmental analysisWhich of the following is likely to be most directly involved with strategic planning?

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Which of the following would be the best example of a well-written goal?A.Ask for at least a 10% raise.B.Cut costs by10% during the next 12 months.C.Increase market share.D.Increase sales during the next 12 months.E.Become a well-known expert in the field of PR/publicity.

The evacuation plan for an office building in the event of fire is an example of which type of plan?

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D.Directional planE.Operational planSome plans apply to the entire organization, whereas other plans encompass only a functional area. Thisillustrates how plans differ in terms of their _______.

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Kendra is a marketing manager in an electronics firm. As such, she is responsible for development ofthe firm's marketing plan, which is a type of _______ plan.

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The university disseminates its campus lockdown plan, setting forth the types of events that may triggera lockdown, how faculty and students will be notified of a lockdown, and actions to be taken during alockdown. This is an example of a(n) ______ plan.A.long-termB.strategic

C.operationalD.directionalE.standing_______ goals are those goals that an organization actually pursues.

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Which of the following describes the management function of planning?

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What is a standing plan?

What is a standing plan? A standing plan is a more comprehensive plan that's intended to be used repeatedly. In general, it's created to meet the needs of recurring decisions and actions. It serves as a business's go-to resource for establishing a set of rules, policies, and procedures for recurring common situations.

What is an example of standing plan?

Examples of standing plans include policies for hiring, employee interaction, procedures for reporting internal issues, or complaints to the HR department, etc. and regulations in terms of what is permitted and what is prohibited in the workplace.

What are the types of standing plans?

Types of Standing plans and Single use plans.
Objective. It is a long-term plan. ... .
Strategy. The plan which answers the following questions is known as strategy: ... .
Policy. ... .
Procedure. ... .
Rules (Do's or Don't) ... .
Programmes. ... .
Method (Way, it is a standing plan) ... .

What are the 4 types of plans?

The 4 Types of Plans.
Operational Planning. “Operational plans are about how things need to happen,” motivational leadership speaker Mack Story said at LinkedIn. ... .
Strategic Planning. “Strategic plans are all about why things need to happen,” Story said. ... .
Tactical Planning. ... .
Contingency Planning..